Saturday, September 7, 2013


So it's been crazy for me lately. with job and now getting hired at Harris teeter I have to still get a picture ID for that but hopefully i'll have it this Monday. Then I meet at the church at 1 to talk to pastor Morris about why I want to get baptized I have church tomorrow and possibly closing at work. :) Hopefully things slow down soon I'm tired.

Fifth Harmony. Miss Movin on > >

Will. I am ft justin bieber. That power > >

2ne1. Clap your hands. Love this song even though you can't understand them lol > >

Connor Franta. I am flawless. he does swear :P > >

I'm sorry but I'm walking away > >

Frankie J. I promise you > >

J. Rice Thank you for the broken heart > >

So side note ladies most importantly to you. I am 19 I've never kissed a guy I've been in a serious relationship just one and he showed me how someone you thought could never hurt you could cut you the deepest. He chose someone's Bed over a faithful person he chose to lie and then scream and hurt me worse when I found out. He had other issues I thought I could help him anything I did never helped him he just used it against me to hold me in that relationship so he could have some kind of control over me If someone says YOU love me you have to stay in this relationship or I'll kill myself or I slept with that person because You wouldn't so it's your fault... Ladies don't fall for that It's not your fault and it's not by accident he did what he did or she If some of you guys have been through this. I felt like so long it was my fault I always blamed myself and I do today thinking something wasnt right with myself why everyone i knew would chose others instead of me I always thought i was a burden or hurt everything i touched and maybe I do but I know i dont deserve what he did and neither do any of you.

Sterling Knight. Hero. > >

Don't wake Aislin. Mighty to save > >

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