Starting over.
We can all press replay on a movie but we can't in real life we go through things we wished never happened but if we learn from those things how can we not be better then before stronger braver fearless in the truest sense with our best friend by our side.
Don't quit something you were born to start.
Stop running from the past embrace it deal with it and move on!
See those trials and realize your a better person now and you know how to never treat someone or something.
Nothing is worthless! No matter how it looks or how someone feels stop acting like its not your problem.
Embrace Others and show them you care and will listen with an Open Heart.
Don't Judge others. James 4:11-12 11 Speak not evil of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge. 12 there is one lawgiver, who is able to save and destroy who art thou to judgest another?
Living is not meaningless. It never is life is exciting if you make it that way its all how you look at the world. Some of the world is corrupt. But as it says in the Bible in later days Kingdom will be against Kingdom brother against brother and neighbor against neighbor.
Life's gonna be Cray Cray :-P
Chainsaw > >
Supersonic > >
Drama Queen > >
Dang girl > >
Zombie > >
Cray Button > >
Cray Button. Ft Lecrea :) > > Love this version way more!! :)
Radiator > >
Love Addict > >
Wobble > >
I Love Love Family Force 5!!! :)
Evans Blue. This Time it's different. > >
Erase my scars > > Love this song <3 ;)
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